Documents from PDF's are currently showing as box with red 'x' inside - instead of seeing the document material there - this is relatively new bug (not problem start of June), but has been going on for a while now. "View original PDF" works, so it is not a major problem, but is annoying.
Geni Support Team Lois,
Would you please send us the links to the broken documents so that we can look further into this?
James Taylor I'm also experiencing the same problem with my PDF documents. There are quite a lot of Pdfs but here is the link to one of them
Geni Support Team James,
We've fixed your documents. Please let us know if we missed anything.
Lois Lubin Mine are all private documents. This really seems to be pretty much a generic problem. Those others added that I have seen all have the same problem.
Please let me know how to send a link to you privately for one or more of my private documents. You say you fixed James's, but mine still appear broken.
Lois Lubin This is a Public Document found by checking Projects till I found one with a Document: - same problem. All 65 documents that one of my relatives added have this problem. I have added 382 documents so far, most jpeg and/or from links, but some, scattered thruout, are from PDF's. This is truly a Generic Problem, which is why I entered it here, rather than thru
Lois Lubin I just clicked on the link James Taylor gave today -- page 1 appears fixed, pages 2 & 3 still have same problem, page 4 appears okay, page 5 has the problem [etc.] So, not even his are fixed.
James Taylor HI, I've just checked my documents and they all seem to be loading well now, so the problem appears to be fixed, at least for me. Thanks for the prompt response.
Geni Support Team Lois,
We've fixed your documents. Please send a request above or an email to if you continue to experience this issue.
Lois Lubin Both the Document James posted a link to and the one I posted a link to have multiple pages. Try using the arrow to get to later pages and you will see a major problem - not same bug as I described above, but they are clearly not fixed as in working correctly.
Will send links to help for at least one of mine - still not working, and to one of my relatives, all 65 of which still show original problem.
Lois Lubin Modification to my last comment - that was in IE7. Just tried Firefox, and arrowing thru pages appears to work correctly there. Perhaps others with other browsers could check on them as well.
James Taylor Hi the problem with pdf was fixed until the problems over the weekend. S you can see
They are not working again.
Lois Lubin Please removed the "Done" label. The link James provides just before this still shows broken at this time,
I sent info thru Help, Amanda is handling that as well (Request #11094) - still problems. My guess -- still lots of problems!
Barbara Ann Pomierski I also have about two dozen PDF documents with the same problem. I use Safari.
Barbara Ann Pomierski I just checked using Firefox and there is still a problem and the titles for the document are over-written with other text. Here's a link to one of the pages:
Catherine Erin Serafina Liora Spiceland (Pinder) I am having problems viewing some of my previously uploaded PDFs, too, and when I uploaded two new PDFs today, the pages are showing in the wrong order. When I open it with Adobe PDF reader on my computer, it shows up correctly.
Lois Lubin In addition to adding a comment here, suggest since this has been marked "Done" for a long time and it is not clear if Customer Service looks after marking a Report as "Done" --
folks still experiencing problem may want to see and add a comment here: