Since the upgrade on 7/31, searches using first and last names of some known persons in the database have not found those persons.
For example, there is an "Orsat Sorkosevic/de Sorgo" in the database born 2/7/1719. However a search for First Name "Orsat" and Last Name "Sorgo" will not find him.
Also a search for "Nika" and "Sorgo" will find 3 persons but with an indication that 6 were found. A search for "Sorgo" will return over 200 persons. Searching for "Nika" among those persons using Firefox's "Find" function discloses the existence of more than 6 persons named "Nika Sorkosevic/de Sorgo."
Hopefully there is a fix to this problem and the database did not get corrupted during the upgrade.