I would like to display more than 4 generations but I cannot unfortunately.
Jeff, Geni Curator Weird.. never had an issue with that.. The horizontal view should display 5 generations including the root person. To set a new root person, you click the tree link on their profile (or if at the end you can click that big green "continue" arrow). There is some weirdness if you're switching between normal view and horizontal view if you have multiple browser tabs open. In that case, I usually click the switch view twice to reset it to the view you're looking at.
Attila Agoston Is it possible to have more than 5 generations displayed in the horizontal view? That would be very helpful as this is the simplest way to display your direct line. Thanks
Jeff, Geni Curator Not in the tree editor as you're normally working on a specific family at any one time in a single browser tab. If you just want to visualize it, then you may want to consider a reporting tool such as these:
* http://progenygenealogy.com/products/family-tree-charts/geni-version.aspx
Jeff, Geni Curator Note that you can view more than 5 generations in the vertical view and if combine with viewing direct ancestors only, might be able to produce something of what you're looking for via zooming out. Go to the bottom of the tree view, click preferences. Then check the box for "Direct Ancestors Only", then increase the ancestors count (note that choosing "All" might be significant.. not sure - I have over 100 generations of direct ancestors, so I've never tried it). Then you can change the tree type to something like vertical or name only. Zoom way out and you'll see it, though you probably won't be able to see any names, so not sure if it's helpful at all.
Attila Agoston Hello Jeff, Seems like TreeSeek is not working anymore with Geni, can you suggest me a good website or plugin where I can create a Fan Chart for 9 generations.
Kari Iso-Järvenpää Horisonttaalista sukupuu näkymää ei voi edelleenkään näyttää suurempana kuin 5 sukupolvea! Onko tähän tulossa muutosta?