For (and many others) the inconsistency is wrong, the death on the timeline is for another profile (is on the timeline due to attachment of a death certificate of a child where parent names are on the death certificate)
Geni Support Team Hi Job, if it's correct, then you should mark it correct for all users.
These notifications are simply warnings that there may be an issue that you should review. If it is correct, then it can be marked correct or if there is an error, you can fix it.
Job Waterreus Yes, I know that. But the check could be a bit more sophisticated and see which date belong to the profile itself and which dates belong to related profiles.
The same problem is also present with Smart Matches like the birth certificate for a child where the data is copied to the parent.
Job Waterreus Also I can see it the date is correct, but not all users can judge it correctly. We see users changing data because a possible inconsistency is raised where they should have marked it correct for all users.
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