I added a profile for myself and my father. Then I added one for his father, but now I see that his father is already in here. How do I delete the one I made and connect my father to the existing profile for his father?
1 comment
Geni Support Team Hi Bob, you can merge the duplicate profiles for his father. There are various ways to do this. If it has come up as a Tree Match, then you should be able to complete or request the merge on the merge comparison page. If there isn't a Tree Match, then you can merge the profiles manually using the "Move Profile" feature in the tree or the "Merge this Person" feature on the profile.
Please see our FAQs on how to merge:
How to use Tree Matches https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229703387-How-To-Use-Tree-Matches
How do I drag and drop profiles in the tree to merge duplicates? (Move Profile) https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408885654679-How-do-I-drag-and-drop-profiles-in-the-tree-to-merge-duplicates
How do I use Merge This Profile? https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/4408886222999-How-do-I-use-Merge-This-Profile