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Geni Support Team Hi Daniel, there are three types of matches on Geni: Tree Matches, Record Matches, and Smart Matches.
Tree Matches are matching profiles on Geni. These require a Geni Pro subscription to view and merge. They are the blue matches in the tree/profile page. If you do not want to upgrade, then you can simply click "Cancel" on the upgrade page.
Record Matches and Smart Matches are provided in partnership with MyHeritage and thus, require a MyHeritage data subscription. If you already have one with MyHeritage, then you simply need to make sure you are also logged into your MyHeritage account to view and confirm the matches on Geni.
Please see our FAQ about matches: https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/articles/229707287-What-are-the-three-types-of-Matches