I'm trying to contact the managers of a person's profile in a tree, and before the trial of GeniPro, the send button was grey. I took a trial susbcription, the button is now blue, but it still won't send my message.
Geni Support Team Hi, are you still experiencing this issue? If yes, can you please provide the link to a specific example?
Nina Khmielnitzky Hi,
Yes, I'm still experiencing the problem. I'm trying to reach this person, but I can't click on send.
Geni Support Team Hi Nina, can you let us know what browser/version you are using and what type of device?
Nina Khmielnitzky I only use Chrome and have been able in the past to send messages
Geni Support Team We were able to locate the problem. It should be fixed now. Can you please try again?
Nina Khmielnitzky It's working now. I managed to send my message. Thank you!
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