how can remove the gedcom file I uploaded to a while ago.
I cannot see it on my dashboard
how can remove the gedcom file I uploaded to a while ago.
I cannot see it on my dashboard
Hello Paul, I believe you have the wrong forum. This is the location for posting feature requests to upgrades on the Geni platform. If you need technical support from Geni, please submit a support ticket with them:
Support tickets are only possible for Pro users.
If you go to you can remove your GEDCOM there. But you can only undo an import for a GEDCOM as long as you did not remove it from Geni. So you better not remove it before the import is complete (which can take weeks to years depending on the number of duplicates [especially private duplicates]).
Oh I didn't realize that about support tickets, thanks.
Hi Paul, your account does not show that you imported a GEDCOM. Do you recall when you did this? Is it possible you created a duplicate account that you used to import the GEDCOM file?
Yes I did upload the file back in 2008. I have a new file with updated records that I would like to upload after I retrieve the original one I placed in Geni.
I don't believe I created a duplicate account.
Thanks. The GEDCOM dashboard was introduced in 2019 when we re-enabled GEDCOM imports on Geni. This is why you do not see your original GEDCOM from 2008 in the dashboard.
Please note the GEDCOM importer is not intended to be used to update an existing tree. It is meant to be used to add new branches that do not yet exist on Geni.
I see that your tree is not yet connected to the World Family Tree and that you are the only claimed account in the tree. Because of this scenario, there are a few options to remove your old tree and upload a new one:
1) You can close your account and start a new account by importing your new GEDCOM file. Since the tree is not connected to the World Family Tree and you are the only claimed account, your tree will be automatically deleted when you close your account.
2) We can disconnect your profile and delete your tree for you so you can upload a new GEDCOM. This method will not require you to close your account. Note this method is only possible because you are not connected to the World Family Tree and don't have any relatives with claimed accounts.
3) If you only want to update some existing entries or add new branches, you may want to consider using SmartCopy instead. SmartCopy is a third-party extension that allows you to copy over small parts of your tree to Geni. You can read more about SmartCopy here:
Thank you for the detailed explanation.
Can I download the gedcom file before we proceed with option 2?
Yes, you can export a GEDCOM of the current tree on the GEDCOM export page
More information about export groups and limits can be found in our FAQ
Note if a branch you added is not included in the export group, then you can change the focus of the export by going to that profile page, click the Actions button at the top right, and select "Export GEDCOM."
Geni support team, can you please remove my Gedcom file using option 2 that was porposed above by you?
Thank you in advance for your help.
Hi Paul, done! You may now import your new GECOM file in your GEDCOM dashboard .
For more information on how to import your GEDCOM, please see our FAQ:
Thank You again for your help.