Anytime I attempt to click on a match and confirm it, the webpage just refreshed itself but will not update my confirming of it. Also the green and orange squares still have match numbers on them.
Geni Support Team Official comment Hi, we're aware of the issue confirming Record Matches and Smart Matches. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work on getting this fixed.
Rebecca Page (Friedmann) I noticed this bug yesterday. I just tried again today... same issue. Hopefully if enough of us report the same issue, they will address it. Annoying.
Steven Matthew Christin glad im not the only one. thank you.
Will Chapman (Vol. Curator) My role as a volunteer Geni Curator is dramatically constrained by this bug. On a purely personal basis, my merge centre currently contains over 460 (and growing) matches that need attention.
Like others, I have submitted a ticket but have yet to receive an acknowledgement.
Bjørn P. Brox Confirming matches to MyHeritage profiles is NOT one of you curator "jobs". I would even recommend you to reject instead of confirming them, - at least leave it to users who pays for MyHeritage data subscription.
I never confirms matches simply because they pollute the Geni profiles with their dominant view, - and risk hiding real sources. It is even worse if MyHeritage profiles is confirmed as sources, something they definitely are not. -
Will Chapman (Vol. Curator) You misunderstand the point I was making. As a curator am often asked to help a Geni member make sense of a garbled tree. In such cases, I find MyHeritage matches can be of assistance; for example, giving clues to who the correct parents, spouse, place and time of birth and death, etc. Using matches in this way I make a point of rejecting any that are clearly invalid.
Similarly, I make a point of keeping the matches linked to my Merge Centre up to date if only for the reason that I can ensure that any matches that are clearly mismatches are rejected. -
Patrice Nolan Gillespie Is this a still a known bug? I have been unable to work on anything for many days. This is very frustrating.
Mark Kuning This has been going on for nearly a week. All matches just reverse themselves. Normally I have about a hundred that I can’t do anything with due to the same thing or no box to check to confirm or reject them. It would be nice to clear them from my queue.
Geni Support Team We are still working with the MyHeritage team to investigate the problem. Thanks for your patience. We'll let you know when there is an update.
Anders Hellstrom I have paid and I get nothing for it!
Steven Matthew Christin Thank you for the update Amanda.
Craig B Miles I am also experiencing this problem and reported it to MyHeritage over a week ago. I have had no response from them so I am not sure what if anything the teams at Geni and MyHeritage are doing to resolve the issue.
As echoed above, this is very frustrating!
Stephen McGrail Just to add my name to the list of users who have this issue.
Mali Graf The same thing is still happening today. Guess it's not fixed yet. Super frustrating!
Suzy Yep, still happening here. This is very annoying!
Geni Support Team This issue has been fixed. You should now be able to confirm Record Matches and Smart Matches again.
Rebecca Page (Friedmann) Thank you, Amanda, for letting us know that the problem has finally been fixed. It is working for me now. Much appreciated.