Entering tree view I see empty nodes and attempting to navigate the tree freezes it completely with a bugged screen. I can't seem to find a solution, either.
Geni Support Team Hi Antti, can you please let us know what device and browser/version you are using?
Antti Sirén I am using the newest version of firefox on all my devices. I've just discovered that tree view works again but only at first. If I attempt to change the person it focuses on, the same thing happens. This problem, though, is only present on my PC, a HP Omen 0830, and tree view works normally on my phone.
Eric Edmond Frenzel There has got to be a bug in this software. My Grandfather didn't have a husband and if he did what are the chances his husband was born and died on the same day as my grandfather, and this husband has the same pic as my grandfather, they are exactly the same profiles I made it that way in order to merge them, but merging wont work because it never gives me the option that they are the same, it always they are different or ill decide later and it's really messing the tree up
Geni Support Team Hi Antti, thanks for the additional information. Does the same thing occur if you try using private browsing on Firefox? Have you tried using a different browser on your PC, such as Chrome?
Geni Support Team Hi Eric, your issue is not a bug and is unrelated to the original posting. It appears you have placed the duplicate of your grandfather into a Cycle. This occurs if a person is related to the tree in multiple ways. We have removed him from the cycle and merged the duplicate profiles for you.For future reference, this is how we fixed the tree:First we removed your grandfather from the cycle. We did this by clicking "Edit" on his profile and selecting the "Relationship" tab. Next, we scrolled down to the section that says "Joseph is connected to your tree in 3 ways" and checked the box next to the relationship where he was his own ex-husband. Lastly, we clicked "Remove" and save.Next we merged his duplicate profiles. To merge, we opened the side panel for your grandfather, clicked "More" and selected "Move Profile." This placed his node on the "Map these people box" in the tree. Next, we dragged that node and placed it on top of his duplicate and selected "This person is the same." On the merge comparison page, we clicked "Yes, merge these profiles."If Aldea is your grandmother, then you can fix the parent relationship for your grandparents' children by using the "Move Profile" tool for Aldea and dropping her node on the blank parent node. Or by clicking "Edit" on each child's profile and selecting the "Relationships" tab. Then select the correct set of parents from the dropdown. If Aldea is not their mother, then you can add their mother to the blank node in the tree.If you need additional help fixing your tree, please start a separate community post here https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/community/topics/201174667-Getting-Help-Community-Help -
Antti Sirén Private browsing has no effect on the issue and I have been using firefox for quite some time now and have only faced this issue recently.
It appears everything does work as expected on chrome but it would be good to solve this issue regardless, since I mainly use firefox.
Geni Support Team Thanks for the additional information. This has been forwarded to our engineers to further investigate the issue.
Antti Sirén Thank you, do let me know if a solution is found.
Oliver Alexander Widengren Freezing for me as well. Seems to be a general issue affecting multiple people from the different threads I have found