When I approve a merger what happens? how long should it take for the merger to be effective?
When I approve a merger what happens? how long should it take for the merger to be effective?
It depends. If it is on a profile where the other manager also has to approve the merge (like when the other profile is private) it will depend on that other manager.
You might want to look at:
All of the mgrs have to approve the merge or data conflict? Some profiles have 50+ mgrs, many of which are inactive.
Or in our case, one of the managers died and we are trying to merge her old listing with a listing showing her passing. But she can not approve the merger and I don't seem to be able to edit her listing. Is there a way to assume the role of a deceased manager?
I feel that there are many cases like this. Manager of the profile has died, inactive managers, etc. There must be thousands of merges awaiting approval by someone who can't. Or won't. I think my numbers are on the small size - 400+ requests and 800+ messages sent out.
Have you reported her as deceased?
Only one of the managers has to approve the merge. Most private profiles only have a few managers at most.
If a Geni user has died he/she must be reported as deceased to Geni. This can be done from the Actions menu on their profile.
Geni staff will handle the report and may contact the reporter to confirm the data. After that the profile will be released (to the original managers who managed the profile before it was claimed or to a manager in the family group of that user if the deceased created the profile). When possible a new manager for the private profiles the deceased user managed will be added, so merge requests can be handled.
Many thanks for the quick response. I am so glad to have confirmation that only one mgr needs to approve. Now if I can only get any of the 800 mgrs I have sent requests take some action.
If I know that someone has died, I report that profile with the information that I have.
If a manager is inactive (has not been online for more than 9 months) you can use the actions menu to report them inactive (if they have not been reported already in the last few days). Geni will try to find another active user within the family group of the inactive manager and add that manager to the private profiles the inactive manager manages. If successful (it can take a few days to add the extra manager to all those profiles) you can try to sent a message to the new manager and hope the new manager will handle it.
Given it is my mother who is deceased what can I do to expedite this? I have a death certificate.
Also please try to post in the right discussion, this one is for feature requests
I have done that so many times and will continue to do so as I am wandering around the profiles. Has it ever been suggested to Geni that they build some kind of program that would ID inactive mgrs automatically and reassign a new mgr. Instead of waiting for one of us to notify them?
Go to her profile and use the Actions menu and choose Report
Probably you will be contacted by Geni staff about it in the next few days. If they contact you you can also specify if you would like to manage her profile and the other profiles she managed.
You may also want to check your settings for https://www.geni.com/account_settings/managed_profiles and if you accept management for extra profiles it may also help to check https://www.geni.com/account_settings/notifications/ to be sure you do get only those mails you want to receive
I think they prefer not to do that.
Managers do tend to become active after long times inactivity and they are not always happy to see new managers on private profiles.
So when nobody else has interest in those profiles Geni does not want to make changes to them.
@Job Waterreus suggested posting to the right discussion group, since this one is for suggesting new Geni features.
I guess the right one for a discussion would be this one: