How do I print my tree?


To print your tree, click on the printer icon located on the bottom right corner of the tree.


A pop up window will appear, giving you two options:


Click 'Basic' to print the current view of the family tree. (To print a Family Tree Chart, please see:



You will be given several options (currently this only applies to the vertical view of the tree), including:

  • Show Legend – check this box if you would like to print the legend for the tree.    
  • Show Photos – check this box if you would like to print the photos that appear on your tree.    
  • Print in Black & White – check this box if you would like to print your tree in black and white. The boxes on your tree will print white, with the text inside the box printing black.
  • Show page numbers - check this box if you would like the page number for each page printed on the tree

You also have a couple more options to consider when printing:

  • Choose page size - change the page size to Letter, Legal or A4
  • You can also move the slider left and right to select the number of pages to print (selecting more pages increases the size of the tree)

After you have chosen your options, click on "Create PDF". Once it's done click on "Download" (or it may automatically open a new window tab depending on the browser you are using), you can then print the tree. 

If your tree is too large, you can adjust the number of generations to display in the tree by clicking the gear icon on the left side of the tree page. 

Updated: January 26, 2023
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