Who are Collaborators?

Your collaborators are people who can help you build your tree. Collaborators can view, edit and merge each other's public profiles. Since Geni was designed to help users work with each other on building a shared family tree, we created this feature to enable all Geni users the opportunity to work with others who are not in their Family Group.

When you find a profile that you’d like to collaborate on, you can send the manager a request to collaborate via the 'Request to Collaborate' link on the Profile Manager's profile page.

If the manager accepts the request, both parties will be able to:

  • View and edit the Public profiles each manages
  • Merge duplicate profiles together
  • Correct relationships in the tree

When you are viewing a profile managed by someone you are collaborating with you will see this icon next to the profile name or the profile manager's name: Collabicon.JPG

Please note:

  • Collaboration is mutual. When someone accepts your request to collaborate, they will then also have the option to edit the Public profiles you manage.
  • Your collaborators do not gain any additional permissions on the Private profiles you manage or on your own profile. Nor do they receive any additional family news stories about your activity.
  • You can view a list of your collaborators on the here.
Note: As of November 2012, merging profiles is free for everyone. Note tree matches remain a Pro feature.
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