- How To: Use Tree Matches
- How do I merge duplicate profiles?
- How do I merge by inviting a relative with their email address?
- How do I drag and drop profiles in the tree to merge duplicates?
- How do I use "Resolve Duplicates" in the Tree?
- How do I use "Merge This Profile"?
- How can I merge my own profiles?
- Where can I find general information about merging?
- What are data conflicts and how do I resolve them?
- How can I view revisions on a merged profile?
- What does the Yellow Triangle in the lower left hand corner of a node mean?
- What does the blue '+' sign in the lower left hand corner of a node mean?
- What is a Merge Request?
- What happens to the Profile Managers once profiles have been merged?
- How do I undo a merge?
- What is the difference between approving a match vs. requesting a merge?
- How do I send a Collaboration Request?
- Who are Collaborators?