Barbara Helen Brumby I have been trying to change inconsistency reports - my two deceased brothers now have duplicate names and I have tried to delete the additional names especially one with suffix but they keep returning. I also tried to return their names to our family tree but when I add one of theirs it deletes my name - surely me and my two brothers can be listed!!! AND the duplicated names deleted!! I thought I had fixed the duplication but a day or so later they are back again.
Job Waterreus It seems you may have some duplicate profiles in your tree. Please look at the merge requests and merge real duplicates.
There also seems to be a problem with https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000002716865034?return=duplicates__6000000002716752711_6000000202594916856__1&to=6000000202594916856
as dates are different.
Barbara Helen Brumby Someone else added the duplicates but with incorrect information.
Also now I have merged them I would like to make sure all info is correct and wondered why they do not appear on the family tree - only my name shows.
Barbara Helen Brumby My brother Dr Edward Robert Sandercock is the one that should be showing but it keeps showing the one my cousin Diane entered with the suffix. Please delete the Edward Robert Sandercock Dr. duplicate.
Barbara Helen Brumby Please remove the additional sites for my brother Dr Edward Robert Sandercock. Also add brother David Ross Sandercock (deceased).
The information of family shown on Edward Robert Sandercock Dr can be added to Dr Edward Robert Sandercock's site.
Very frustrating not being able to amend it!!
sister Barbara Helen Brumby
Job Waterreus See help for Merging
Also see https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000172942652765
Job Waterreus For the user profile of Edward Robert Sandercock, you will have to wait till Geni staff handles the reported death.
Barbara Helen Brumby My brother Dr Edward Robert Sandercock is definitely deceased. Due to size of funeral it needed to be live streamed into the Parish hall at St Margaret's Anglican Church McLaren Vale. Fortunately I was able to watch it in Queensland.
Barbara Helen Brumby I just noticed that it shows my brother Dr Edward Robert Sandercock as two different people. When there was an incorrect Edward Robert Sandercock Dr. it needed to be deleted not merged and made another person. I only have two brothers Dr Edward Robert Sandercock and David Ross Sandercock - sadly both deceased.
Barbara Helen Brumby So frustrating!!!!
Geni Support Team Hi Barbara, I see that you incorrectly reported your brother's claimed account as "Fake" instead of "Deceased." Please make sure to report profiles correctly so that they may be handled appropriately.
I have unclaimed Edward's account, so you may now complete the merge on his profile https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000172942652765 .
Also, I see you created a duplicate profile for your brother Edward on February 1, 2024. You will need to merge that one as well.
Barbara Helen Brumby I didn't report my brother's account as Fake. Not sure who did this - something I would never do. Both my brothers Edward and David Sandercock are deceased.
Can you please explain why I am the only child to be shown on the family tree with parents Reginald and Melva Sandercock. Can my deceased brothers appear also - lots of people on the tree including my parents are deceased.
It seems difficult to merge the profiles when one has a suffix - how can I delete the suffix. I cannot recall creating a duplicate profile on February 1 2024 for my brother Edward.
Barbara Helen Brumby It keeps saying I have two brothers with the same name!!!
Please can Edward Robert Sandercock Dr (with suffix) be changed to Dr Edward Robert Sandercock.
I only have two brothers - both deceased - Dr Edward Robert Sandercock and David Ross Sandercock.
This is getting so frustrating!!!
I don't know why my cousin Diane added them - probably because they were not showing on the family tree which is still the case. We had entered them some years ago when setting up the family tree.
Geni Support Team Hi Barbara, you have the ability to fix your brother's duplicates, since you manage both profiles. I have set up the merge for you. Simply complete the merge here https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000202627978832
You may also edit the profile to remove the suffix. The suffix has nothing to do with the merge. Click "Edit Profile" on your brother's profile to remove it.
Both of your brothers and you are listed as children of Reginald and Melva Sandercock. If you want to see them in the tree, you need to switch your tree view from pedigree to standard. Simply click on the tree icon at the bottom right corner.
Barbara Helen Brumby I notice my parents and a few other close relatives also have two Dr Edward Robert Sandercock listed. Please can one be removed.
Barbara Helen Brumby I just noticed that the duplicate with my brother's photo that my cousin provided shows he has a brother with the same name. It should be David Ross Sandercock as his brother and Barbara Brumby (nee Sandercock) as his sister.
If I merge it will show wrong brother name.
Barbara Helen Brumby I have tried a dozen or more times to remove Dr Edward Robert Sandercock as being his brother with the same name and to change it to David Ross Sandercock as his brother but to no avail.
Please remove it and add David as his brother. It does not come up on the screen when I click to edit it. I am just about to lose my mind!!!!!
Job Waterreus Duplicate should be merged: https://www.geni.com/merge/compare/6000000202627978832
Geni Support Team Barbara, we set up the merge between your brother's profiles several times for you to complete it yourself. Had you completed it, it would have solved your issue.
I have now gone ahead and completed the merge on your behalf. You should now only see one profile for your brother.
Barbara Helen Brumby Thanks, sorry I have only just seen the emails - took my car to be serviced. All looks good except it doesn't show his brother David Ross Sandercock only me - Barbara Helen Brumby (nee Sandercock).
Thanks for your assistance. Would be grateful if David is now added and all will look great!
Geni Support Team It appears that someone used the "hide" feature in the immediate family module to hide David from Edward's profile. I have added him back.
Barbara Helen Brumby Thank you so much for your continued help for all the minor problems I could see but couldn't alter. All looks good now.
Great that Edward now has David for a brother instead of himself!!!
Hopefully will leave you in peace now - can't see any other problems.