Blue dot merge-public/private concept

Hi, I have been destroying  part of my tree. and I wonder how many times this has happened other users by merging with 

ancient mixed private/public profiles.


Because of a blue dot merge my relatives disappeared: I had to add it again and now it is there three times.

Why, because of of a mix of private/public profiles ...the privates override the publics.


Now I cannot even see my relatives any more and I had to add it once more.


This tree was unfortunately destroyed by a user with mixed private/public old people profiles.


Some users are not able to handle the quite complicated private/public concepts or they have 200 year old living people.


Why don't you make a dead people public default ? Why can somebody who died 150 years ago be private to destroy other 

peoples tree?

This is - to my understanding - not  genis philosophy.


Best regards

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