Missing Family Members in Family Tree (Print)

I can't see my some family members in Family Tree (Green Tree) screen. Let me explain.

Me, my wife, my kids, father, mother, brother, sister, brother's wife, brother's kid and other some members. I can see green branc icon on some members (i know when i click on it to reveal the hidden branch).

My real problem is and struggling approx since 3-4 hours. Some family members are missing in Family Tree (print) screen. There are some list on left "Focus". When i changed them also some members are missing. For example if i select my father and mother name, Geni only is showing my family members in Family Tree.

I found this thread (https://help.geni.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/21314788402711-Some-family-members-not-visible) but mine is different. I can see all people in Tree but i can't see some members in Family Tree. I am just trying to merge all Focus list in one merge like below.


Is there any possibility merge all members (Focus lists) in Family Tree? I am looking for this for hours for real.

P.S.: I created my account, added grandpa and grandma, added my father and mother. Added brothers and sisters as brother and sister (not son and daughter). I added my wife and kids. I added my brother's wife and kids. I added my wife's father and mother and wife's brother's wife and kids.

When i clicked Print icon and select Family Tree. I can only see "grandpa, grandma, my father, mother, me, my wife, my kids, wife's mother and father. The other family members is missing in Family Tree view. I did lots of research. Can you help me please?

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