This person died 25.3.2024. Her cousin tried to inform you shortly after, but as she is not fluent in English, there seems to have occurred an error. The profile still stays as it was, alive and private. Hope you can make the necessary chance. Thank you!
Geni Support Team Hi Mari, it looks like the profile was incorrectly reported as a Claimed Historical Profile instead of Deceased. We have unclaimed the account, so close family may now edit it to reflect her passing.
For future reference, here are the instructions on how to report a claimed relative as Deceased:
Miroljub Ž Trošić preminu mi je rođak Miroslav Milićević ali nema opcije da upišem datum smrti? Pozdrav.
Geni Support Team Miroljub, we're sorry to hear about your family's loss. Please report his profile as Deceased by clicking on the Actions button on his profile and click Report. Select Deceased from the dropdown and leave a comment. See our FAQ for screenshots: